About Us

We are two girls from NYC with a passion for baking. We go to school miles away from each other but when we come home for breaks we're always thinking of new treats we can make. We've finally decided to share our ideas with the rest of the world through this blog!

Hey, I'm Violetta and am currently a junior in college. Although I grew up in NYC I attend Davidson college in Davidson, NC. I understood that I have a passion for baking when I was a freshman in high school and I made Shelly a cake for her birthday. Not only was the process of baking fun, but decorating put me on a whole new level of excitement. As the years progressed my skill somewhat improved and I'm ready to share what I've got.

Hey Ya'll I'm Shelly and I'm also a junior in college, but I attend the State University of New York at Buffalo. In 6th grade I had to create a small business for a class project. My friends and I decided to make a cupcake business and since then I've always had a passion for baking. Violetta and I started baking together in high school and have continued since. We hope that you will enjoy what we have created and pick up new ideas from where we started.  

V & S